Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wolves or no Wolves?

   In the state of Oregon ranchers have been given the right to shoot the wolves if on their property. I try to look at this problem on both the ranchers side and the people who want to save the wolves. On the ranchers side it makes sense to just take care of the wolves because they have lost money and time that they have put into their livestock that have been killed. On the people who want to save the wolves side, they want to keep wolves alive considering the wolves have been put on and taken off the endangered species list many times. In my opinion,  a conservation facility with hundreds of acres should be built completely secure so that the wolves cannot escape, but rural enough that it is just like their natural habitat. Although this would cost a lot of money, in the long run it would stop much conflict. Both sides would get what they want, the ranchers livestock would be safe and they wouldn't have to worry about the wolves on their property causing many problems, and the people who want to save the wolves would have their wishes made true also because the wolves would be safe and taken care of without any worries of them getting killed. So on this topic I agree with both sides so a conservation center just makes sense.

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