Monday, May 2, 2011

Difference Between Blogs and Newspaper Articles!

     After reading the articles by Heidi Swift, I decided that there is quite a difference in blogs and newspaper articles. In blogs you can express more emotion and just say whatever you want, whereas in newspaper articles it has to be more civilized and refined. I think this goes along with the changes of journalism we have been talking about because blogging can be a form of journalism, in my opinion, whereas it didn't used to be.
      Blogging is journalism to me, I believe that since it is writing and is about certain topics, that is just as much journalism as news stories are. To me blogging is writing about topics that interest you and you want to share with other people. It is very important to me that people can talk about what they like, whether it's on paper or on the net.
    I do journal and blog! At night before I go to bed I journal about my day and anything interesting that happened!! I am just now starting to blog but so far it is going good! I love telling people what books and movies I like and fun stuff that I do. I don't really care if they don't like what I do or if they don't like me for what I enjoy and do because that's me and if you can't handle it then get over it and leave me alone because that me and that's who I will always be no matter what. I don't take crap from anyone, and I don't give other people crap. Haha you can call me crazy but you haven't seen anything yet because you really have no idea. So anyways Fox told me to let it rip and thats what I just did! Hope whoever is reading this enjoyed it.
                 Sincerely Miss Cowgirlz

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