Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Media. Good or Bad?

    When it comes to media we all have different thoughts. When I hear the word media I think hollywood and fake. But is that really true? Many people think that if the media doesn't cover a story then it's not news, well I disagree with this completely. For instance if there is a baby that was born or an animal that was saved out of an abusive home the media might not cover it, but it's still news. Maybe not to you or your sister or whatever but maybe to Aunt Sally or Miss Johnson down the street it is.
     I think that many times the Media covers more unrealistic things and fake things in this world than the important things that people should know, for example which is more important, Britany Spears dumping
K-Fed or world hunger? But the media writes what sells and in this scenario it would be the HUGE TRAMATIC breakup between Britany and K-Fed. Of course if an article about world hunger were to show up in the media people would say oh that's to bad and flip the page.
      Media also is in a sense ruining us, making kids misbehave at an earlier age and teaching them things that they shouldn't know at that young of an age like violence, sex, foul language, and hatred. These things in my opinion are bad, one time one of my friends told me about how her 6 year old little brother is saying every foul word in the book and she was laughing about it! That just pisses me off, i'm sorry but kids shouldn't have to hear that stuff at such a young age. So I think that media can be good in some ways like reporting important things at times but I also think that the Bad out weigh the good so yeah.

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