Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Photography Tips Assignment

I read about focusing on one body part or only showing the bottom half of a person. In this case it's the legs and shoes. Also in this picture it uses great lighting and a bright color to focus on. I really really like this picture..... and her shoes!!!!

I read about taking serious pictures. This is definitely serious. It also is up close and personal. When I see this picture I see a story... whether this story is real or not I see a man who has worked hard his whole life outside maybe?

I also read about reflection, and I think this is the perfect picture to show that. It shows his reflection many many times:) It's just cool, there's really no other way to explain it.


I read about shadows and lighting. This picture has very unique shadows created by clouds in the sky, but it also is very bright in places. It gives almost an illusion by looking at it, it is very interesting if you see it almost looks like the earth because it is rounded.

I read about auto focusing and in this picture the meat is focused and the man is not. This is cool because it shows the main part of the picture. It's also really cool that the man almost looks blurry.

This really shows the contrast between the people and the fire and it really draws attention.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wolves, is there a way to stop the conflict? (Editorial)

Lately there has been much controversy over the wolf packs in Oregon, between ranchers and I guess you could call them environmentalists, or the people who want to save the wolves. Honestly I don’t pick either side because I agree with both. When I put myself into the rancher’s shoes, I totally get it because the wolves are killing their livestock, which is a lot of time and money thrown in the trash. Also it creates more time and money that they have to spend if the animal is injured and not dead because they have to pay vet bills and put a lot of time into the animal to take care of it.
                On the other side though this is an animal that should be taken care of considering they have been put on and taken off the endangered species list, also it’s not like they know that their killing animals that are important. These are just some of the views of “environmentalists”. On this website, http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/meltingpot/doveside/301/savewolf.htm, they say:
“The wolf has been subjected to unnecessary ridicule and fear; hunted, trapped, and unmercifully murdered by man, the very being who calls a dog (descendent of the wolf), his best friend. Our ancestors sat around their camp fires and threw scraps to the hungry harmless wolves that were attracted by the smell of cooked food. Each saw benefits in befriending the other.  Man would have his guards, look-outs and hunters.” On each side there are very strong opinions, but in my opinion alone I believe there is only one thing that can solve this problem.
                Now one day this idea came to me when I was discussing this topic with my mom, now I am almost positive that I am not the first one to come up with this but I have told many close friends about it and they think it’s a great idea. A conservation center is what I call it and it would be thousands or even millions of acres that will be used to place the wolves in where they will be safe, but also unable to create damage to rancher’s property. This would be fenced in, which sounds cruel, but you have to keep in mind that it’s millions of acres for them to roam without human interaction. It would be just like their natural habitat, with lots of dens, streams, and hiding places. The only time there is human interaction is when the wolves need to be fed, now this would not be done through a fence because that would be domesticating the wolves in a sense, but there could be arrangements made for that.
 So on both sides of this ongoing argument there are very valid points, now the question is which side to pick? As I said why choose when there are things that can be done to please both sides.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Taco Bell in school.

 I think we should have a taco bell in school because almost everyone loves it and it's way better than school food. It's not necessarily the healthiest but less students will want to leave campus so teachers won't have to worry about students breaking the rules.

Wolves or no Wolves?

   In the state of Oregon ranchers have been given the right to shoot the wolves if on their property. I try to look at this problem on both the ranchers side and the people who want to save the wolves. On the ranchers side it makes sense to just take care of the wolves because they have lost money and time that they have put into their livestock that have been killed. On the people who want to save the wolves side, they want to keep wolves alive considering the wolves have been put on and taken off the endangered species list many times. In my opinion,  a conservation facility with hundreds of acres should be built completely secure so that the wolves cannot escape, but rural enough that it is just like their natural habitat. Although this would cost a lot of money, in the long run it would stop much conflict. Both sides would get what they want, the ranchers livestock would be safe and they wouldn't have to worry about the wolves on their property causing many problems, and the people who want to save the wolves would have their wishes made true also because the wolves would be safe and taken care of without any worries of them getting killed. So on this topic I agree with both sides so a conservation center just makes sense.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Not mature enough to leave campus??

  If you don't already know this, at my High School, Mountain view Freshman aren't allowed to go off campus. But even with this "rule" almost all freshman leave campus anyways. Considering this rule doesn't get enforced at all there really is no point to it. I think that it's also a slap in the face for freshman because it's basically saying we are not good enough or mature enough to go out to eat? I mean really, seriously that's a bunch of BS. So this is definitely a topic that I feel strongly about ;)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Media. Good or Bad?

    When it comes to media we all have different thoughts. When I hear the word media I think hollywood and fake. But is that really true? Many people think that if the media doesn't cover a story then it's not news, well I disagree with this completely. For instance if there is a baby that was born or an animal that was saved out of an abusive home the media might not cover it, but it's still news. Maybe not to you or your sister or whatever but maybe to Aunt Sally or Miss Johnson down the street it is.
     I think that many times the Media covers more unrealistic things and fake things in this world than the important things that people should know, for example which is more important, Britany Spears dumping
K-Fed or world hunger? But the media writes what sells and in this scenario it would be the HUGE TRAMATIC breakup between Britany and K-Fed. Of course if an article about world hunger were to show up in the media people would say oh that's to bad and flip the page.
      Media also is in a sense ruining us, making kids misbehave at an earlier age and teaching them things that they shouldn't know at that young of an age like violence, sex, foul language, and hatred. These things in my opinion are bad, one time one of my friends told me about how her 6 year old little brother is saying every foul word in the book and she was laughing about it! That just pisses me off, i'm sorry but kids shouldn't have to hear that stuff at such a young age. So I think that media can be good in some ways like reporting important things at times but I also think that the Bad out weigh the good so yeah.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Difference Between Blogs and Newspaper Articles!

     After reading the articles by Heidi Swift, I decided that there is quite a difference in blogs and newspaper articles. In blogs you can express more emotion and just say whatever you want, whereas in newspaper articles it has to be more civilized and refined. I think this goes along with the changes of journalism we have been talking about because blogging can be a form of journalism, in my opinion, whereas it didn't used to be.
      Blogging is journalism to me, I believe that since it is writing and is about certain topics, that is just as much journalism as news stories are. To me blogging is writing about topics that interest you and you want to share with other people. It is very important to me that people can talk about what they like, whether it's on paper or on the net.
    I do journal and blog! At night before I go to bed I journal about my day and anything interesting that happened!! I am just now starting to blog but so far it is going good! I love telling people what books and movies I like and fun stuff that I do. I don't really care if they don't like what I do or if they don't like me for what I enjoy and do because that's me and if you can't handle it then get over it and leave me alone because that me and that's who I will always be no matter what. I don't take crap from anyone, and I don't give other people crap. Haha you can call me crazy but you haven't seen anything yet because you really have no idea. So anyways Fox told me to let it rip and thats what I just did! Hope whoever is reading this enjoyed it.
                 Sincerely Miss Cowgirlz